Dear God,
Please guide me in my wisdom, experiences and truth. I know that you listen and answer, even if it is not what I want to hear, you know what is best for me and you know my souls destiny. I am placing my heart and trust in your hands. I surrender all of my fears, anger and judgement towards my fellow human beings. I will become who you intend for me to be and just by my pure self. My free will is not something I can take for granted, you did give me free will, to choose to do your work. It is not something I have for narcissistic or self-serving attainment. This is the beginning for me to awaken my consciousness and raise my awareness to my true divinity, to the Christ hood that is within me. You are love and light, that is the only energy I will emit and give to others, whether I know them or not. You did give me free will over my choices and to be a steward of your earth. I will care for all of your creations and be an advocate for those who do not have a voice. I will share life and nurture it, I will keep it in balance and be responsible for my actions in which harm or help it. I will own all that I am and all that I think, do or say. I will live each day in the I AM presence, one with you and follow your son, Jesus Christ's example on humanity. For I know that in the end, it will never be about what possessions I have, which places I visited or how many friends I have. In the end, it is merely between you and I. Thank you for being with me.
Your loving Child
We are not just human beings on a long spiritual journey, we are spiritual beings on a short human journey.
Daily Intentions
Don't fret about the rest of your life; start with today, just for today and make peace with who you are...
Do not be angry, Do not worry, Be thankful, Work hard, Be kind...
(Thank you J!)
Do not be angry, Do not worry, Be thankful, Work hard, Be kind...
(Thank you J!)
I am a wife and mother, learning from and embracing my faith, to provide a strong foundation in my marriage and for my children. Along the way, I have had questions and hit road blocks that caused me to doubt my faith and who I am. I have found despite every doubt and question, no matter how great your human support system is, if you don't find Christ within yourself and love who God intended you to be; free of fear and judgement, the void will never be filled.
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